Our special person of the week lives in a brick ranch house with a basketball goal in front with his mom, his dad, his 2 sisters and his brother. He has 3 Beta Fish named Rainbow, Alvin, and Nemo. His favorite colors are green and yellow because they are John Deere colors. His favorite subject is Reading because it helps you get smart. His favorite TV show is “Bakugan”. His favorite books are Dick and Jane books because he can read them. He likes to eat Chicken nuggets. He likes to build things, especially with Legos. He feels happy when he goes fishing with Pops. When he grows up, he wants to be a Rescue helicopter driver because he wants to help people and he thinks it would be cool. If he could go anywhere in the world, he would go to Florida to see Disney World and to swim in the ocean. He feels he is special because he is a good big brother and a good helper. He loves to swim and go to waterparks. He enjoys playing sports like basketball and baseball. He likes going on vacation, especially to the ocean. He likes spending time with his cousins. He likes spending time with his grandmas and grandpas. He feels the best thing about him is that he gets excited about everything and enjoys everything.