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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Space Camp

Working under water to feel how astronauts work in space.

Catching marshmallows to show that food floats in space.

There was an emergency in the space shuttle! Push the right button to save the shuttle!

Rocketing to the Moon and back to Earth.

Tossing a  bean bag through a loop to show how astronauts have to navigate the space shuttle through space.

Working to put nuts and bolts together underwater.  Astronauts work with gloves to fix things.

Gravity keeps the planets in orbit and keeps us from falling off the earth.  Gravity keeps the paper squares inside the bucket.

Navigating the shuttle through space.

The shuttle has to land on a specific spot.  We made paper airplanes and tried to land them on a mat.

We need enough power to rocket to the moon and back.
      We had Space Camp in our room for Learning centers.  Each child rotated through 5 stations set up to teach something about Space.  We had nuts and bolts under water to demonstrate how it feels to work with gloves on in a heavier atmosphere.  Each child blew up a balloon and hooked it to a straw on a string, then propelled their 'rocket' from the Earth to the Moon to show you need enough power to get there or you'd be lost in space. The children tried to catch marshmallows in the air, because things float in space.  Then they tried to launch a bean bag through a hoop to demonstrate that the astronauts have to guide the shuttle to the correct spots.  The children swung a bucket full of paper squares around and around to show that gravity holds us on the earth.  Then they pretended there was an emergency in the shuttle and had to push the right button to save the shuttle.  They made paper airplanes and tried to land them on the landing pad. We had a lot of fun experiencing concepts about Space!

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